Mark of the Tiger's Stripe - Revised Edition

It’s finally here!

After almost a year of re-writes and shuffling things around, a new version of my first book will soon be available! This version contains altered dialogue and edited scenes to correct errors in the narrative and provide better characterization. It’s the book I wish I had written the first time, having a better grasp of grammar and character motivations. I hope you enjoy it!

Song of the Nightstalker Announcement

After almost three years in production, book #3 is ALMOST here!
The final edits are in the pipeline and the cover is in production.

“Song of the Nightstalker” picks up almost immediately after the events of “The Black Horns”. Our intrepid hunters, the Scrappers, are banged up and in need of recovery time, but their persistent mystery enemy won’t give the an inch. And after a startling discovery in northern Kirque, several members of the team are sent to rescue a trapped agent and the secrets she possesses.

Available sometime early December 2022!

Book Two is Almost Here!

I’m in the proofreading stage for book two, The Black Horns. I hope to publish by January 2019 at the latest!

Jirair al-Seif fights to hold on to his crumbling criminal empire, but his estranged wife Yursa De Palma is doing everything in her power to keep her late father’s mafia assets out of his hands. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the agents of Tiger’s Stripe are closing in with a plan to bring the crime lord to justice…but one of them would rather put a bullet through his head.